Giles Diggle on Twitter @50oakwoods

Tuesday 25 October 2011

What's good enough for a Coal Tit is good enough for me.

All's well in the garden. A Robin has set up a winter territory and a Coal Tit has taken up residence. There was a Wren in the bird bath this morning; House Sparrows shuttle back and forth in the hedge. The feeders are busy. Seems like the habitat is right - maybe it is going to be a long cold winter.

I am into a rhythm of writing too. I have a habitat that suits, made up mainly of bits of Beethoven and Chopin... and Debussy too. I play the same pieces every day as I begin to work. I have a playlist in iTunes called Writing - all lyrical pieces (tho' lyrics are banned until the writing is done).

The music has a purpose: it cuts out background noise. But more important, it provides continuity, linking sessions at the keyboard that might otherwise become disjointed. It is a signal to begin work - without all the downsides of a factory hooter.

Do I ever change the music? No. Because day after day it seems to work.

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